When I built my web site initially I found out how to do it by learning
as I went along. The result is it works but I have no idea why and the
coding is very messy. I have now embarked on a series of training video
that tell me how it should have been built. Ooops! Now I'm realising
that the site is a total mess and needs a complete re-build. Don't
worry, it wont be taken down. I'll rebuild the pages on my PC and only
upload them once I have the site finished although I might just tinker
with the current version to make some temporary changes in the mean
time. The up-side of all this is that it allows me to incorporate some
new features if wished. So, if there is anything you think that would
improve my site just let me know. No rush, this will take quite a time
to complete but your input in this as a viewer and user of my site is
important to me. So please, do add a comment below if you have any
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